Saturday, October 18, 2008

Read-a-Thon Hour 3

Since last post:

Time spent: Reading: 25 minutes

On computer (blogging, commenting/cheering, mini-challenges): 23 minutes

Between the covers:--Number of pages: 26 pages

What I read: finished of Mice and Men and read a short story of Guy de Maupassant's

Down the hatch:--a half cup of coffee with cinnamon steusel coffee creamer

Other: the rest of the time I was unloading the dishwasher, shooting the laundry, and being told to clean the steps, and trying to read in French, which didn't work out.

Cumulatively:Reading: 100 minutes

On computer (blogging, commenting/cheering, mini-challenges): 35 minutes. It seems waaay more than that!

Other (pet care, cooking, etc.): 24 minutes

Between the covers:--Number of pages: 85 pages--

What I've read: Finished of Mice and Men and one short story

Total Mini-Challenges: 3

This hour was the worst so far. I have a feeling they will only get worse from here on out. We are rearranging our whole house and we are beginning today's moving of furniture. All of my own chores are done, but my dad just told me that they will probably need me to help with furniture.

Finishing of Mice and Men was really great for me! Third time's a charm! That's how many times I've taken it out of the library. I've finally finished it. I'm giving it a D-. I have loved what I've read of Steinbeck but this was just bad all around!

Here is what I've posted about my third Mini Challenge:

"My native lanuage is English, but I attempted French. After studying if for my fifth year now. my reading skills are seriously lacking. I read from Guy de Maupassant’s Les Meilleurs Contes/Best Short Stories: A Dual language book. I read the story The Piece of String in English mostly, but tried some in French. I’ve read other Maupassant stories in both French and English, but this story used a lot of vocabulary I didn’t know and was a bad story, even in English!"

So all around, this hour's reading has been really bad. I feel like reading something stupid like Captian Underpants right now!

OH! I wanted to do this! Here's a cheer-out for the cheerleaders! There are over a hundred readers and only 14 or so cheerleaders! I'm so glad I'm not one of you guys!


Sarah Dillon said...

WELL DONE on participating in the language mini-challenge Sarah, and who cares if it was a bad story?! The point is you DID IT!!! :)

Thanks for dropping by my blog last night, all the best

Sarah (aka the naked translator)