Saturday, October 18, 2008

Read-a-Thon Hour 9

Time spent:

Reading: 30 minutes

Between the covers:--
Number of pages: 34 pages
What I read: The Old Man and the Sea
Down the hatch:--a decaf cup of constant comment tea with sugar, milk, and a cinnamon stick. It's like eating one of those oranges with the cloves stuck in it!

Cumulatively:Reading: 277 minutes
Other (pet care, cooking, etc.): 90 minutes

Between the covers:--
Number of pages: 312 pages--
What I've read: Finished of Mice and Men, one short story, Alice in Wonderland
Total Mini-Challenges: 3
Audio Book minutes: 18

This hour I will be loading the dishwasher. I usually loathe this, but today it's FANTABULASTIC!!
I spent about 15 minutes playing a computer game with my brother. Thank you baby brother for keeping your big sister somewhat sane!
I also forgot to give Alice in Wonderland a rating. Guess that reflects my rating, which is a C.
For now, I'm trying to find some book bloggers that I have read before but forgot about until now but I really want to read about.
Do you know anyone who did the Read-A-Thon in a previous year that read from a hotel room with a friend?
PS: Last hour's cheerleading posts were the best yet! Thanks you guys!